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曾任職於臺北的唱片行:從地下的 Urban Soul 到誠品音樂、Agnes b. 唱片選品店,陳涵以他的音樂知識做為每次放送的基礎。因熱愛黑人音樂而成為舞者,後投入 DJ 領域,故對於使聽眾置身音樂,有著獨到見解。


曾為臺北知名音樂場地 Korner/THE BAR(The Wall)、W Hotel、Amba 西門意舍旅店駐場,擅長 funk/soul、disco、house 以及各種經典的臺灣發行曲目。2020 起移居南臺灣,目前為獨立音樂場景「Paramont Bar 百樂門酒館」DJ 活動負責人。



Serving at Taipei’s record shops from Urban Soul, Eslite Music to Agnes b. Music for years, Han plays music with his vast knowledge of different genres. As a passionate digger of black music and a funk-style dancer, he read and move the crowd with his b-boy nature.


Resident DJ of highly recommended music venues such as Korner/THE BAR, W Hotel, and Amba Hotel, spinning funk/soul, disco, house, and all kinds of Taiwanese releases. Since moving to southern Taiwan in 2020, Han is now in charge of DJ events at indie music venue the Paramount Bar.


Han also provides insightful reviews and music critics for various media. He is now a columnist on StreetVoice and Wazaiii. Han have been invited to colleges as a lecturer of dance culture and music.

DJ Events

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